And then one day you start to tidy up, sort out, make a pile for charity, and suddenly you can't stop and your wardrobe is 50% smaller and you start to complain you have nothing to wear.
Cathartic, isn't it?
Well, this weekend I did just this. Instead of clothes though, I had a Facebook sort out, and once I'd started deleting friends I couldn't stop. I'm still going back to the list to de-friend just one more. It's an addiction.
The first to go were people I didn't know/recognise. I thought I didn't have any of those so they were a bit bewildering to find. Next was anyone particularly annoying, whiny, a little bit too racist.. Then people I wasn't really friends with at school, people who I'm sure are equally unlikely to wonder what I'm doing with my life as I am for them.
And of course people I just didn't like.
Oh, and a couple who I actually do like, are interesting but invite me to some event or other every 2 days.
I felt mean. I felt powerful. I felt godlike. "Like flies to wanton boys are we to the gods. They kill us for their sport." Except somewhat less violent.
I wondered briefly if anyone would notice, or care if they did. I suspect not.
It's possible my reader numbers will take a hit. I can only wait and see.
All was going swimmingly and most satisfyingly until I realised that I had been defriended! What? Someone I used to work with and was actually quite close to. Someone who once tried to spoon me. That crossed line I forgave him for. This is unforgivable. I would defriend him immediately if he hadn't already got me first.
So I'm curious to know what his reasons were for a clear out, and why I didn't make the cut. Did I complain too much? Did I post too many self-indulgent and badly spelled blogs? Or did he just decide he didn't like me after all?
I can't ask him. If he's not on Facebook he doesn't exist anymore. You know how it aren't real if you aren't there. I can't even remember his name now.
But does that mean I don't exist now for all those people I deleted?
I don't think I mind that actually. So farewell Facebook friends. I probably won't see you around, which is exactly the point really.