Monday, 11 December 2017

On Reflection

In a small journey of self-discovery, this week I have spent some time on reflective practice. All good for personal growth I’m told – or, at least I was told when being made to write a reflective journal during my dance teacher training. I was unconvinced at the time but on reflection it does at least pass quiet time at work in a positive and productive manner.
This move was spurred in part by frustration that I’m in the wrong job and need to think about how to change it; but also due to my rejection from the communication team. Well – I say rejection, but actually I was told that it was full and I should email them with my skills so I could be involved on an ad-hoc basis. What do the full members have that I don’t eh? Perhaps a forthcomingness in regard to their skillset.
My initial reaction of course, was that I have no useful skills, or at least none that are provable.  I could have given a link to the blog (what’s that except evidence of my communication skills) but as my most recent post included some not very positive thoughts on my job I decided that may not go down so well. Wise decision, do you think?
So what are my skills then?
That was the first thing. Skills brainstorm. Then an online personality quiz that informed me I was ‘Yellow’ (creative performer). Then a funny task where I had to pick my favourite words out of a list: gradually narrowing them down to find my core values. These ended up as compassion, courage, learning, creativity and freedom. All very pleasing words I’m sure you’ll agree.
But of course this is all useless if I don’t use it. It all really just furthers my assurance that I would have rather enjoyed the extra-curricular communication of the communications team (exactly what they do is unsure); but that my role doesn’t really fit with either my yellowness or my chosen words.
I’m aware that this is a) highly unscientific and b) obvious without the reflection. I do have a small plan though. I think I’m going to do a writing course. Perhaps I’ll improve these ramblings somewhat. At the very least it will be a tick in the learning box.
So maybe this reflection business is useful after all.