Thursday, 30 August 2012

Cinderella (kind of).

So, this week I have started my life as a Housekeeper. I have agreed to be Cinderella in exchange for living rent free and being taxi-ed around when I need it. A fair deal I think, especially considering that I'm...probably inadequate anyway. Sure I did clean the bathroom with a toothbrush yesterday, but today I sat and read Harry Potter as Mum vacuumed around me. And I got a cup of tea in bed this morning.
Thanks Mummy!
In my defence, I made the tea yesterday. However, that may be her one and only treat...I'm not getting up before her once she's back at work and getting up before 7. I'm an artist daaaarling...that would be ridiculous.
I do think I'm doing pretty well with the cooking. I actually made food for the grandparents and an aunt yesterday. Salmon. Then I wrote a fairytale about a salmon. All in all it was a successful and creative day. And the family thought the salmon were delicious and entertaining respectively. They may have been just saying that to make me feel better, but I chose to believe them.
I'm enjoying the cooking. I mainly have my friend Sam to thank for the few recipes I've mastered. Once this limited repertoire runs out (in about 2 days) the experimenting begins. I've been watching Lunch With Gino and Mel this week in preparation. That Gino...he makes everything look so easy, even when he does set fire to the kitchen cloth.
I set fire to stuff too though: the microwave once, when I was heating up pancakes. My lesson from that was to not read whilst preparing food. Its too distracting. It is difficult when Harry is mid-duel with You-Know-Who.
The microwave incident was a long time ago though. Recently I'm much more likely to get bored halfway through the cooking process and serve semi-raw potatoes. Or as I insist: al dente. This is OK when you are only cooking for yourself but I cannot serve my family raw potatoes. Again. This is cosy, middle-class Wales, not Communist Russia.
However I have 2 months and I'm determined to perfect this art. Maybe I'll start taking pictures of my food and this can be a food blog.

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