Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Phone calls in vain.

Man, don't you just hate an 0845 number called in vain. Especially when you're calling to ask for money. Not only do they say no, you know that call has probably cost you a week's wages. Clearly that's not ideal.
So why was I asking for money? No, it was not to ask random companies to sponsor us for Live Below The Line (still time for you to do so though). I recently decided that a bit of education and delicious learning was in order. Namely an Open University history degree. It will take me forever to complete but that's ok. I love a project.
Trouble is, I already have a "degree." That is a foundation degree in Theatre Dance which was great but I only wrote about 5000 words for in total. And we all know I love to write. This means I already have a student loan to my name. And THAT means no more funding.
I suppose I understand. I already have one loan I'm 97% sure I won't pay back. Arty degrees are bad investments i reckon. Joyful, yes. Lucrative, rarely. This is a country in debt...maybe it's a little selfish to even ask for more monies. But what to do now?
Is it worth it to just study for no qualification at all? And will it work without any form of guidance? I don't know...
More importantly, am I that disciplined?
So self funding? Gulp. Maybe this Live Below The Line will continue indefinitely.
So now I have this negative information and the thing that annoys me most is my next phone bill. Because it was apparently unnecessary. 3 calls that got me nowhere.
In other, and better, news I did manage to speak on the phone with confidence and an excellent telephone manner. And Because i knew i was paying i was soooo efficient. I'm growing as a human being.
So thank Student Finance and OU. You have helped me after all.

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