Friday, 7 November 2014


I recently spent three days without a voice. Yes, we all know I have an inadequate immune system so this probably won't surprise anyone. It did surprise me though; every time I opened my mouth and no sound came out except a mere whisper; because I had no other symptoms. I felt perfectly fine until I tried to speak and...nothing. It's just so disconcerting, frankly.

The only reason I can think of, for such a malady to bring me down, is all those hours I spent as a child wishing I was Ariel. Obviously, what happened is that the Sea-Witch came to me secretly at some point on Saturday, and stole my voice. Serves me right for wishing to be someone else. Ariel, did not have it good. And I am not a good swimmer. It never would've worked.

Like The Little Mermaid, the thing that I found most challenging was no being able to sing. Although if I'm completely honest 'able to sing' is not something I would ever advertise about myself. I like it though, and you can't take that away from me! Except...yes actually, you can. Those three days, every time a song I like came on the radio or I got out the old ukulele, I'd end up making a noise like a ancient strangled cat and wanted to cry a little bit. Imagine how Ariel felt: she could actually sing.

I never really thought of myself as an especially chatty individual. When I saw it in Eat, Pray, Love I figured a vow of silence would be the easiest thing in the world, and I'm often quite happy to sit and not talk to people (in a comfortable silence kind of way, not in a awkward loner way...I hope). But it turns out I talk more than I thought. I couldn't help it. There were fun people having stupid conversations and I wanted in. A game of ballet/opera charades was eventually resorted to. Do you know how hard it is to think of one of these that doesn't have a name for a title? Or a probably made up word?

And then there is customer service. Never ideal to answer questions using a combination of mime and lip reading. It doesn't seem quite professional. For some reason it also feels wrong to accept the many offers of throat pastilles offered to me...although I am still curious about the Chinese herb ones offered by a small girl.

Talking of small girls, even worse is silently teaching them to dance. "Miss Jess, why is your voice so low?" / "Arrrrrrhhhhh!!!!!" (as they run around the room pretending to be a Polar did this happen?!!)

But slowly, slowly it returns. And alas, for some people I regret the loss of the excuse: *touches throat, shakes head, mouthes "sorry, I can't talk," waves hand vaguely in front of mouth.* I don't mean you though. For you I will sing a song. 

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