Monday, 21 September 2015

To the sun!

Today, like the glamorous being I am, I'm writing to you from one of the beaches at Malibu. Kirsty is working on her tan and I am under a stripy umbrella, trying to find things to do to occupy myself. Luckily I was well prepared with things to write, a book and I braved the burny sun to swim in the warm ocean after we spotted dolphins swimming very close to shore. Incredible. They didn't come back to swim with us unfortunately. Alas! 
All in all it's been a very successful beach trip for someone who doesn't do well on the beach. Hurrah! :) not least because it is much cooler today than yesterday. Only a chilly 30•C  instead of nearly 10• hotter. Phew!
This is a huge change from where I last left you. The last spot on our trekking route was a place called Florence Lake. First of all is was quite tricky to get to. The last road up to the lake was single track but two way traffic (although very little of it thank god!), blind bends, vertical drops and random jagged rocks from nowhere. And all in the dark. It took us over an hour to go less than 20 miles. It was quite terrifying. 

In the morning it was raining. Not only was it raining but there was a forest fire nearby so the air was black with smoke as well. We braved a hike though, following the lake through the John Muir Wilderness: The man who inspired our trip.
Unfortunately the fairies must've been out that day because after we stopped for lunch the paths disappeared. Truly. We went straight on and it petered out to nothing. We went back where we thought we'd come from and hit an uncross able creek in our way. The path we'd arrived in was just not there anymore and the others came to abrupt ends. It turned out we were lost with only a couple if cheese strings for sustenance. 
But fear not reader! We are nothing if not made for survival in such extreme circumstances. Using a map and compass (check us out!) we worked out where we were, found high ground then followed the creek back up to Florence Lake until we found the path again. 
It was a bit creepy though. We came across a place where we suspect hunters prepare their catches. It wasn't the happiest place. 

Frustrated with the bad weather (we came to California in the middle of a four year draught and got rained on. Typical!) and the badly maintained routes/tricksy fairies, we left the next day for Big Sur and Monterey Bay on the Pacific Coast Highway. It was completely the right decision because we rejoined the sun and had a beautiful few days in a stunning bit of the world. 

We were driving on the best road...all zigzags and breathtaking views, there were huge birds, deer, redwoods and showers at our campground. The last is probably the most exciting. We had an afternoon on a beach, dinner in a diner from 'Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives,' and did some shopping. We went to the world famous Monterey Bay Aquarium and saw into the beautiful alien world of under the sea. And there were sea otters. They are soooooooo cute! And did you know there is such a job as a penguinologist? Why am I not one of them? Then I could live in Monterey. Highlight! 

There was one scary moment when I was driving back to camp in the dark. My first driving at night experience and I did not like it at all. I especially didn't like it when a deer stepped out in front of me and I nearly hit it. And then 10 minutes later another one did the same. Both Kirsty and I were nervous wrecks by the time we got home. 
But moving on, we soon found ourselves on the way to LA and a wonderful friend, Monique, who we are staying with. She's the nicest and an excellent tour guide so we've had an awesome time. LA is so big, and with such different parts. You only have to walk from shiny Santa Monica where people are working out on Muscle Beach and walking tiny dogs, towards the shabbier Venice Beach where homeless men play the piano and men try to sell you incense as you pass them to see it. And then there's the big fancy houses near the hills, Rodeo Drive and Beverley Hills to show you another side again. 

Yesterday was my birthday and this really wasn't a bad way to spend it. We saw the famous sign and the sprawling city from Griffith observatory, ate tacos for breakfast and ice cream for lunch, went to an Emmys party where we drank margaritas and played ping-pong and then went to....wait for it...the cupcake ATM. Yes, you hear me correctly. It is a thing. A beautiful and delicious thing. We need one of those in London. 

What better way to celebrate arriving in one's late twenties? 
We have just a week left and tomorrow we depart for the last leg. But don't think about the end...I'm going for lunch. We have another blog left so until then...

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