Sunday, 10 February 2013

BAFTA night

Tonight I will be in my pyjamas with a hot chocolate in hand and the remains of a bag of MilkyWay Stars at some ridiculously early hour.
One of my best friends works there every year and I'm so jealous. I want to go! Actually I want to be a guest and saunter down the red carpet in some glorious dress and make small talk with my future husband, Eddie Redmaine, causing him to fall immediately in love with me and....
But this year, I'm afraid, I will just watch from my sofa. I wonder if there is any ice cream? out and buy ice cream would you?!
Apart from ogling the fashion and Eddie the best thing about film award ceremonies is the fact that there are so many good films out at this time of year. As a film ignoramus I will see the adverts on the sides of buses and think "ooo! I really want to see that!" only to have my friends look at me in shock and disgust a couple of years later when they discover I've done no such thing. The most recent: "You haven't seen In Bruges?!" "No, but it was a great trailer."
I have seen such classics as Shark-Boy and Lava-Girl though. And almost all the Disneys. And Citizen Kane but I wouldn't recommend you follow my example in that. It's rubbish.
Wait! I did see Les Miserables yesterday. That was good. And Life of Pi a week ago. Also good. So I'm doing well with my viewing and am quite the critic as you can see. They should put me on the judging panel. "Quite good...yeah, I liked it."
And then there are the speeches. Please thespians, keep them short and preferably funny. And if you can fall over on the way to the stage that would be great. I promise to do the same thing when I win a BAFTA next year.
I haven't decided which category I'm going for yet. What do you think would be the easiest?
"I'd like to thank my blog readers...and if I wasn't so bloody talented I'd be speechless. As it is I will do a classic Cartwheel of Thanks to the Academy for this beautiful award."
I will wear big pants.

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